My classroom probably falls into that optimum temperature range and many students wear sweatshirts anyway and I keep a sweater on the back of my chair. . If we want the temperature adjusted, a custodian comes and does a temperature check in 2-3 spots of the room. If it is in the optimal range, then no luck
Airluminati, hahahaha. This all rings so true though. I currently teach in a window-less box but I refuse to move up a room upstairs (with windows! And a view of Mt. Rainier!) because it’s so cold up there.
My classroom probably falls into that optimum temperature range and many students wear sweatshirts anyway and I keep a sweater on the back of my chair. . If we want the temperature adjusted, a custodian comes and does a temperature check in 2-3 spots of the room. If it is in the optimal range, then no luck
Airluminati, hahahaha. This all rings so true though. I currently teach in a window-less box but I refuse to move up a room upstairs (with windows! And a view of Mt. Rainier!) because it’s so cold up there.
Sounds like a wonderful view, but, I agree: climate is definitely king! :)